Instructions on Guide to Crochet a Rose Flower

Instructions on Guide to Crochet a Rose Flower

Crochet a Rose Flower

Crochet a pink flower, which is also known as Irish Rose, which will change channels to spread the petals within. By combining the points in the order of the loops on the needle, short, long, point-of-synthesis, the edges of the curve "petals. Crochet pink flowers are for decoration, fashion can be used, have high heels, or may be a reason to be a great source of crochet. Ireland has the lower Afghans, scarves and garments increased to sew, or become a washcloth, heating pad and holder, if applicable.

  • 1 Basic Checkpoints hook, if necessary (see Resources). Use a pink knitted mesh chain, insert the tip of a hook, double crochet and double crochet and a half. 
  • 2 The formation of a seal ring (also called rings, called the Magic Circle or Magic) at the end of the string, wrap it once with two fingers of his left hand and push the hook through the center after work to grab the ring and pull the cable through the middle. Slide Anchor chain ring and chain the two drives in the first round. 
  • 3 Keep in touch with the tire on the left side of the double 15 points and a hook in the middle of the ring. 
  • 4 Pull the exhaust in the middle of the tire begins to close to move, and then go to the beginning of the chain slipping round 3 of the cable near the center of it completely. 
  • 5 Crochet a chain of 1 and a single binding site. Chain 3, skip one or crochet ring slides into the first period. Now you have 8 rounds to give platelets. 
  • 6 Channel 1 is the chain cycle, then the points in the following order: half double crochet (HDC), p. 1 (DC) and low (SC). 
  • 7 Repeat the SC, HDC, DC, hdc, sc in each string loop around the edge model. Register the change in the first round at the end as before. 
  • 8 The work of the next period by the hook between two vertical bars on the inside back of the petals. Loop back to the HDC and the points are in the middle of the petals. 
  • 9 Chain-five, he and the back of the center petal DC rolled down. Repeat this step, a flower that is on a series of 5 and a step towards accession to the early interest in DC is over the petals. 
  • 10 Channel 1, then 1 ms, 1 dB, 3 ms, 1 dB, 1 sc in each loop of the cord. Register the change in the first round is over. 
  • 11 Repeat steps 7-9 to add more towers to add their petals, but in every line, to increase the length of the string loop and at two points on a double-blind official center of the petals of the two points.
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