Sunday School Ideas - Two Bible Crafts to Incorporate Into Your Lessons

Sunday School Ideas - Two Bible Crafts to Incorporate Into Your Lessons

Children's liturgy is the perfect place for the youth of your religious congregation to gather together and learn about the teachings of the Bible. But coming up with exciting and interesting Sunday school ideas can be a difficult task. Here are two Sunday school crafts to share with your class.

Finger Painting Bible Craft

This Sunday school idea is perfect for your Sunday school curriculum. You'll need the following:

*Plastic pots of diluted finger pants
*Large sheets of paper for each student
*Plastic table covers
*Paint smocks

After explaining to the children's liturgy that God gives us many things to enjoy, make sure that their clothing is protected with a smock. Now hand out the paper and instruct the children to draw, with their fingers, the things that they are thankful for. These could include flowers, their family and friends, books, favorite toys, etc.

Set aside the sheets of paper to allow them to dry. Then display the art to the class, noting how many things there are to thank God for. Make sure the students' hands are thoroughly cleaned, and send them back to share their Bible craft drawings with their families.

Growing Seeds Sunday School Craft

This Bible craft is great for helping your class memorize Bible verses. You'll need the following for each student:

*Styrofoam cup
*Potting soil
*Craft sticks
*Quick germinating seeds (corn, beans, peas or maize)
*Felt-tipped pen

Help your children's liturgy fill the cups up about three-quarters with the soil. Then help them plant three or four seeds at a depth of about 20 mm. Water the soil, and then have your class write their names on one end of their craft stick. On the other side of the stick, write "Your word is like a seed" and insert it into the soil. By the following week, the seeds should have germinated, and the kids will be able to take their plant home.

The lesson of this Sunday school idea is that the Bible says we must keep God's Word in our heart. This is why we memorize verses. By memorizing Bible verses, God's Word grows like a seed in our hearts.

Crochet Flowers - Sunday School Ideas - Two Bible Crafts to Incorporate Into Your Lessons
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