Learn To Make Crochet Flower - Beginner Crochet Tutorial On Flower Crocheting
What comes to mind when you hear the word of flowers, the colors are wonderful mixture of cool, to say the least. Is the flowers that grow in the garden, next to the park, and even plastics are available in various colors and patterns available as well.
All the colors and the aura that contribute to complicate the mood even more. Flores also brighten my mood. And I know that gives me a crochet crafts wonderful things motive of flowers, the beautiful daughter of my items are used outdoors, and pins as well. Flores, design trade fairly easy as long as the data crochet.
If you find the time to surf the Internet, visit Web sites, online tutorials provide easy to crochet flowers. There are many websites or blogs that are on the Internet, which should give a lot of content and advice on their own.
Here I show you how to make simple but attractive flowers ready.
You can use a needle, thread colors and 2-3, a hook. Why is the balance? This can be made ropes, but I prefer the wire. Make sure that the cable is not well with the size of the hook. Take the first color, and with a chain of six years.
Back to number one in the chain and make the CD and go to the next two. Do it again and again and set this number to the network. They have eight radios in hand. Place the circle of the PD chain, 3 left (string three spoke for the first time) to build now (SC, 1 ch, 2 dc, ch 1, sc), and then do all the sheets. This is how I learned petal.
Is eight cycles, and there are early flowering. Insert the first pre SC first petal. Turn the flower. Choose to create a different color of your choice, and Slipknot and set the hook on the color, and pull the wool through the second color.
We end up with a two-point hook, hook, draw and create. Number six in the chain, and DC, as he spoke through the three channels. Repeat this chain of CC number three in every word. Now create a series of public relations in the third row.
Let us now look at another one line. Place the pages from the first small, then (SC, chain 1, 3 dc, chain 1, SC) for each sheet. Together with the first dc of PD. Rem.
Its flowers are finished. Use similar steps to create a 2,3,4 or 5, but in different colors or something like that. Because each new process, the grain size increases. Such an opportunity, you really want .
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