What You Can Do With Dried Flowers

What You Can Do With Dried Flowers

Dried flowers have so many uses especially in all occasions where flower arrangement is needed. The most common use of dried flowers are so numerous, like; decorating in wreaths, gift packages, masks, hats, candles, stationery or in creating unique pictures or picture frames.

Things you can do with dried flowers

The uses of flowers are seemingly endless. They can be used to decorate in all aspects of beautification such as; home, school, wedding, programs, floral arrangements, and lots more.
Detailed uses of dried flowers

Stationery. You've to use a quality paper. Apply a thin layer of glue to the paper and attach the dried flowers based on your design and arrangement especially for cards, envelopes, and other stationery you desired.

Picture frames. With the use of a brush dipped in glue, attach flowers to an unusual paper until they're dried. When totally dried up, you can now form the picture frame in any design you want.

Paper weight. Using two pieces of glass, stones, woods, or plastics, cut them to your desired size and position the flowers on the bottom and secure them with the glue. Once the glue is dry, place the pieces of glass, stones, woods, or plastics in position.

Lampshade. To decorate your lampshade, attach the flowers with the use of a glue. Before the glue dries up, place a semi-transparent rice paper over the lampshade and pat a layer of diluted glue over the paper.

Flower arrangement. With the use of a rubber band, fasten them and wrap with a brown craft paper and secured with a twine. Your finished flower arrangement can used as your centerpiece or simply hang them from your door.

Candle decoration. Using a glue, apply them at the back side of each flower, press them gently onto the candle. To firmly lay them on the candle, wrap them with a waxed paper and hold fix with a tape to hold them in place.

Making a corsage. With the use of a glue, attach to a small piece of cardboard and simple jewelry pin backing.

Window decor. Decorate your curtains with dried flowers on the corners of the curtain rods. Choose the ones that go with the style and match the color of your interior design.

Crochet Flowers - What You Can Do With Dried Flowers
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