Easy and Fun Tissue Paper Crafts for Kids

Easy and Fun Tissue Paper Crafts for Kids

A rainy day is a great opportunity to get out the arts and crafts boxes and spend time with the kids making personalized gifts for friends and family. Nothing expresses love as well as a homemade card or a giant tissue paper flower. Many artists choose tissue for art projects because it can be easily shaped and cut into patterns for multiple craft projects.

This art medium is perfect for young kids as it is nontoxic and perfectly safe, with no sharp corners to cut into tender fingers. Tissue can be purchased in a wide variety of color hues and sizes. It is recommended that a giant package of tissue paper be bought because there are so many craft ideas tissue can be used for.

Tissue paper is popular with children and parents alike because it can be torn or ripped easily, avoiding the necessary use of scissors for art projects. The colors are bright and the tissue paper is very easy to handle for small fingers. Art projects for kid to create with tissue paper include beautiful and colorful tissue paper flowers.

These flowers can be given away as gifts or tied together to make a chain of colorful flashy paper tissue flowers to hang in their room as flower swag. To make a tissue paper flower, take a piece of paper and gently scrunch it into a fan-like shape. Holding the tissue pinch in the center, tie the folded paper with a pipe cleaner, preferably the same color as the tissue paper. Fan out the tissue paper to reveal a beautiful flower.

Kids can use scissors especially made for children to round out the petals of the flowers before they fan the paper out. Easter projects for kids that deal with paper crafts are fun and easy to make. Different colors of tissue and glue sticks are recommended for this project. Eliminating messy dyes, an Easter egg can be decorated with bits and pieces of tissue, applied directly to the shell with craft glue.

Kids will have fun taking paper and shredding them into tiny pieces of confetti paper as the eggs are boiling away in the pot. When the eggs are cooled and dried off with a paper towel, the kids can take glue sticks and rub the sticks upon onside of the egg and stick bits and pieces of different colored paper to the egg. The surface of the eggs should be cool to the touch for safety reasons. This is a quick and unique way to decorate Easter eggs for that all important Easter egg hunt!

A favorite among children are piñatas and a simple version for making a piñata can be accomplished by the use of tissue. For this project, a simple paper bag stuffed with assorted toys and candies and taped together at the top is needed, along with six to eight inch strips of colorful paper and stick and some string. The kids can glue the strips of tissue paper all over the paper bag in a bright and colorful pattern. The piñata can then be used for a birthday party right away!

Crochet Flowers - Easy and Fun Tissue Paper Crafts for Kids
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